A Dunn and Bradstreet study found that when paying cash you spend 12% to 18% less than when buying on credit because spending
cash HURTS!
You get the perceived plastic prosperity disease when you appear prosperous, but are digging a grave. You see no cash
pass from your hand, and so you register very little emotional realization that you've just spent money.
The convenience of plastic makes you buy "stuff" you would never buy otherwise. The advertisements purport that you will
have more social status, glamour, and fun by using their super platinum gold titanium card. If your self-esteem is
drawn from the metal of your plastic, you have missed the boat. Go home.
Wait 24 hours before making any major purchase (over $300).
Pay cash for a USED car that is not quite what you want, start saving the equivalent of a car payment a month, and very
soon you can drive whatever you want.
Lotto and Powerball are a tax on the poor and on people who can't do math.
Beware the low-rate bait credit cards. Most of these cards go up dramatically at the end of the introductory period. And
if you are late on a few payments, your rate goes up astronomically - in addition to the $29 late payment fees.
A debit card will do anything a credit card can do.
All glory, honor and praise to Jesus Christ our Lord.
Serving the Lord together since Dec. 2002!!
