DLTK's Printable Crafts For Kids - Lots of printable worsheets for math and language arts, seasonal and year round crafts, bible crafts, games like a
bingo generator that uses either numbers or pictures of your kids fav. characters (blue's clues, veggie takes, etc) memory
games, and lots more. All free!
Enchanted Learning - printables, crafts, coloring pages, unit studies, maps, tons and tons of stuff on every topic - math, science, language,
arts, history, etc. Some printables are free but to access everything you have to join for $20/year.
Tooter4kids - free worksheets and various other freebies
Free bible lessons - Old & New Testament. Each lesson is about 7 pages and includes a memory verse, coloring page, quiz and games.
Homeschool Review - great overviews and reviews of most popular big name Bible curriculums
Tlsbooks - thousands of worksheets, coloring pages, holidays, handwriting, spelling, teacher resources, puzzles, and tips.
Rebecca Rupp's Homeschooling Year by Year