Pro Rata Plan Letter
Date: ________________
From: _______________
To: Name of Creditor
Re: Card holder name and account number
Dear: (If you know a specific person or when contacting them by phone get name of area or office
Recently (I have had to.................) Or (my husband had ....................) changed jobs
adn have met with a financial counselor to access our present situation.
We acknowledge our indebtedness to you of $____________, and fully intend to pay you back in full.
However you are one of __________ creditors that we owe $_________ to. We owe minimum payments of $_____________ each month.
We are not able to meet these minimum payments at the present time, and we are not planning on going into further debt to
meet these obligations.
We have put together a basic necessities cash flow plan based on our take home pay of $_________
per month (enclose copy of cash flow plan). Since we have __________ small children and no (or limited) disposable income
at this time to pay our creditors, we (can or cannot) make a payment to you (of $______) at the present time because we do
not inted to go bankrupt.
At this time we are asking for a moratorium on payments for the next __________ (30, 60, 90 or
120) days. We will keep in close contact with you and, as soon as possible, we will begin making payments. If possible, we
would like to request a reduction on interest during this time.
We are aware that this is an inconvenience to you, but we must meet the basic needs of our family
first. We fully intend to pay our creditors all that we owe them. Please be patient with us. If you have any questions please
contact us at _____________ (phone number).
Thank you for your consideration of our present situation.